DWise1's Web Programming Page



Even though I am a professional programmer, web programming is one of my hobbies. As such, I do not use any special authoring tools, such as DreamWeaver or Flash. I do all my web programming by hand with a text editor and prefer it that way. Of course, if I were to start web programming professionally, I would need to migrate to an authoring tool.

I started this page because my sister-in-law asked me how to do write a web page. Actually, a number of people had been asking me and I would give them each a quick description. But her question helped to drive home to me that a verbal description accompanied by some scribbling on paper is not enough. That led to my writing my "quick-and-dirty" beginning HTML tutorial and this page to provide access to it.

The following are my web programming links:

My "Quick-and-Dirty" Beginner's Guide to HTML
As I said above, I wrote this to answer a number of questions from people who were curious about HTML. If nothing else, it was to make it easier for them to follow than my trying to explain it without visual aids -- waving your hands can be so distracting.

"So, you want to make a Web Page!4.4" by Joe Barta.
I added this in order to give you a second opinion. Also, you could use his site as a starting point in learning more, since he covers tags and topics that I didn't.

By the way, I agree with Joe's recommendation of Fooke Software's editor, NoteTab Light. I've used NoteTabPro myself for years for all text files and I feel lost without it. Come to think of it, since this page was originally written 10 years ago, it just might have been through Joe's recommendation that I discovered NoteTab. NoteTab Light is less powerful than NoteTab Pro, but not by much and you can download it for free from www.notetab.com.

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First uploaded on 2001 April 21.
Updated on 2011 July 19.