The Creation Model

So what is "creation science"? The following detailed definition was provided in an ICR publication by creationist lawyer Wendell Bird, in which he was trying to differentiate between the "Scientific Creation Model" and "Biblical Creation Model", only to succeed in demonstrating that, point for point, they are identical except for superficial differences in wording:


As Taken From the December 1978 Issue of Acts & Facts
Scientific Creation Model: Biblical Creation Model:
I. Special creation of the universe and earth (by a Creator), on the basis of scientific evidence. Divine creation of the heaven, stars, and earth by God, on the basis of Genesis.
II. Application of the entropy law to produce deterioration in the earth and life, on the basis of scientific evidence. Application of the curse, pronounced by God after Adam's fall, to produce deterioration in the earth and life, on the basis of Genesis.
III. Special creation of life (by a Creator), on the basis of scientific evidence. Divine creation of plant and animal life, Adam the first man, and Eve from Adam's side by God, on the basis of Genesis.
IV. Fixity of original plant and animal kinds, on the basis of scientific evidence. Fixity of original plant and animal kinds, determined by God, on the basis of Genesis.
V. Distinct ancestry of man and apes, on the basis of scientific evidence. Distinct ancestry of Adam and apes, on the basis of Genesis.
VI. Explanation of much of the earth's geology by a worldwide deluge, on the basis of scientific evidence. Explanation of the earth's geology by a world-wide flood in which only Noah, his family, and animal pairs were preserved in an ark, on the basis of Genesis.
VII. Relatively recent origin of the earth and living kinds (in comparison with several billion years), on the basis of scientific evidence. Approximately six thousand year time span since creation of the earth, life, and Adam, on the basis of Genesis.

One thing to add here is that the "Relatively recent origin" in Item VII of the "Scientific Creation Model" means something to the order of 10,000 years.

Now, since both "creation models" are identical, you may well ask "Why not just stick with the Biblical Model?" The reason is the US Supreme Court case, EPPERSON v. ARKANSAS, 1968, which overturned Arkansas' 1928 "monkey law" and rendered all other states' "monkey laws" unconstitutional. Since the creationists could no longer bar the teaching of evolution on religious grounds as they had done for the past 40 years, they switched to a new tactic called "Hide the Bible." They took a body of claims which had been developing over the decades in fundamentalist apologetics; claims, most of them false, of scientific "evidences" supporting a literal interpretation of the Bible (eg, a 6000-year-old earth, Noah's Flood, the Ark), and they removed from that body of claims all the explicitly religious wording that they could.

And they called its name "Creation Science" and they saw that it was ... well, good enough to sneak it past the courts.

Now with creation science, they could try to get evolution barred from the classroom, or at least counter it with their own "scientific evidences." And, look, there's nothing religious about our creation science; it doesn't say "God" or "Bible" or "Genesis" anywhere. All we are saying is that some Unnamed Creator created everything about 10,000 years ago (we didn't say "6000 years"; see how well we hid the Bible?), then unleashed an Unnamed world-wide Deluge which killed every living thing except for an Unnamed group of people on an Unnamed water craft which save an Unnamed number of each kind of plants and animal which survived, etc. See, nothing religious about it at all; it's all very scientific.

This game of "Hide the Bible" worked well until the Arkansas Act 590 of 1981, the "balanced treatment law", which included a standard sanitized definition of "creation science" and which Judge Overton correctly found to be religious in nature and intent and identical to a literal interpretation of Genesis. At this point, the game of "Hide the Bible" evolved to one of "Hide the Creationism", in which new stealthy buzzwords were introduced like "intelligent design theory" and "abrupt appearance theory".

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First uploaded on 2000 March 23.
Updated on 2011 August 02.